Friday, October 29, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

views of waiting.

 she loves fruit chew snacks.
yes, I let her have them.
please don't judge.
 confession #2
orange soda!?!
sorry to disappoint but I allowed that too.
 all while helping my big girl organize her binder.
and don't forget this - grades that make me proud!

Mondays are not easy especially while waiting for 30 minutes for the 
missing brown-eyed girl to finish her "Cheernastics" class.
Fruit snacks, orange soda, my diet pepsi(not pictured), and LJ's funyuns(also not pictured) make it all bEtTer!
promise.  try it.

oh wHaT fun.

 lOtS of
miss priss did have -
in her momma's soccer chair cover!

my pumpkin

lOvE him.

Friday, October 22, 2010

dear bulldogs,

beat UAB.
loving this football season.

- the dumases

our tErRiFiC kid

the news is just in from our most favorite kindergarten teacher ever (Mrs. Spears, of course!) 
that Little Miss Phelps was selected "Terrific Kid" for understanding.
Way to go, sassy!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

lost and found

Let me just start by saying Sunday afternoon I thought this picture would be the next face that you were going to see on missing poster, news flash, milk carton........
Sunday afternoons at our house always consist of a nice nap.
The babies know this and Watkins was not happy about the 
nap he was soon to take.
I was in our bedroom and told JD to send the babies back, so we could nap.
Phelps came on back, and Watkins did not.
JD started calling for him, and there was no answer.  
Then JD, LJ and me all started calling and looking.  We looked outside, in closets, under beds, and at the neighbors' houses.  


JD hopped in his truck to look and I started knocking on doors asking if anyone had seen him.
After 30 MINUTES of searching and NO WATKINS, I called JD and told him it was time to call the police.

5 minutes later, police cars, questions about him, and I just kept thinking about his sweet face, personality, and just my baby boy. 
I continued knocking on doors and was 3 streets over when I heard people calling 
my name.
Our little man was found.  Where had he been you ask?
His momma and daddy's closet under clothes and in a suitcase.

JD made him explain to the police why he had hid.
What did he say?
"I did not want to take a nap today."

That answer, seeing his sweet face, and then the nice long nap I had
snuggled up to my Watkins was one of the best afternoons in a long time.

Friday, October 15, 2010


halloween 2009

We were a jellyfish, tinkerbell, spiderman, and a pajama queen.
Any guesses on what we are going to be this year??

details to come.

Friday, October 8, 2010

fRiDaY smiles

take 1
take 2.

from all of us to yOu!

the mountain

 I conquered this morning!
Laundry this week has been washed, BUT not folded.
If you are wondering, nope that isn't our kitchen table all of that is on.
nope not mine.

minus 1

JD's siblings minus 1, John Dale.

Sorena, JD, Irene, Russ
Can you guess the oldest to youngest?

Well, here it is.

John Dale (missing)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

a sMiLe

that I just can't get enough of!


little miss is very observant especially when she likes something,
AND she loves the cheerleaders.
SO observant that getting ready for the game the next day she informed
me - "No bow, just ribbons! Just like the real cheerleaders!"
Of course, we got it right.
this is from when just wearing maroon and 
white was okay in her book.

Monday, October 4, 2010

kicking it at the bEaCh!

the soccer girls and their fams all agree
playing soccer at the beach in Gulf Shores is one
of our most liked destinations of the year!

the tourney even scheduled all our games in the a.m.
yep, very nice!

 yes, we do let the little brothers play in the clay.
why?  entertainment.  they get vErY bored during their 
long days cheering on their sisters.
what makes them hApPy, makes us happy!

what better way to relax after 2 winning games of
sOcCer.........relaxing on the beach with teamates.
gOod times!

 another highlight of the day lunch at LuLu's!

 beach buddies.

LJ caught this BIG jellyfish, nope she is not scared.
momma was!

love cheering on our #11

the girls did great, but were a little disappointed 
to come in 2nd!
EVERYBODY played their hardest.
gReAt games! 

many reasons

our weekend was a s.u.c.c.e.s.s.!!

#1 it was "kid-free", 
yep my very sweet momma and daddy kept the kiddos plus one extra, minus KD

#2 Friday afternoon hang out with school friends
and Shannon

#3 a quick nighttime golf cart ride around MSU campus
to say my respects because I would not be attending on Saturday

#4 lots of laughs about Cindy's EXTRA chewy carmel cake

#5 my favorite bagel (jalapeno with pineapple cream cheese) Saturday morning

#6 a fUn celebration of Jessica Philips' 21st b-day
(even if it was in the Grove)

#7 a fantastic diner with JD at Morgan Freeman's restaurant in Clarksdale, Madidi

#8 blues listening at Ground Zero

#9 going to bed early on Saturday night

#10 finishing a great read - "The Help"

#11 catching up with the husband

#12 picking up the kiddos and coming home to a clean house

nice. nice. weekend.

Friday, October 1, 2010

tailgate fun

la. lA. LA.

 this is the preschool choir that I help with -  almost ready to sing during church.
if you are looking for Watkins, well, he preferred to sit with his daddy in the congregation.
let's just say choir just isn't his favorite past time.
 KD had a duet with a friend, and just imagine she did lOvE 
being the center of attention, for sUrE!
Watkins, KD, Phelps and friends all smiles after performing.

There is just something about the voices of little children that I just love.
LJ was MIA this day.

innocent lOoKiNg.....right?

 these are the kiddos that hang out at our tailgate on Saturdays.
give and take a few.
yes, at a glance they all look like just regular bulldog kiddos 
until you add a certain prized object.
you WON'T believe what they did all day for entertainment?

HINT.....this was involved.
 then it was put like this.
 yes - they caught SEVERAL fans like this.
then they made them pay money to be untied.

$$$ profit for the day = $10

Bulldog fans....BE AWARE! 

I am pretty sure the cheering from all the tailgates surrounding us was as 
loud as a crowd at an average little league game.

good news - no one was hurt and everybody left smiling.