Thursday, August 6, 2009

The First Day of School

The first day of school was today!
Everyone was very excited.
Check them out!

Lawson Joy our 5th grader.
Can you believe it!

Katherine our 3rd grader.
She is very excited her number this year is 1!
This means she always comes first.
Watkins is in 4 year old preschool.
Acting silly!
Phelps will be with her brother.
She has to, so she can keep him in line!
Love this picture!
Acting silly on their first day!
Can't believe it, but they let me take 2 good pictures in a row!
Happy first day of school everyone!


  1. That is awesome that you are getting such good pictures of the kids all together. Maybe the trend will continue!

    Happy first day of school to you, too!

  2. They are all so cute! And growing so quickly! Great pictures!! Miss yall!

  3. Tell the kiddos they did a great job posing for their photo shoot! I hope this school year brings ya'll more blessings than you could imagine! Love you and miss you much!!
