Friday, July 10, 2009


The night was for sure going to be a busy one. I was returning a favor and keeping Lily (5) and Joseph (3), so my 4 + 2 = 6. My plan was to keep them outside as long as I could to try and wear them out. I sent the big girls outside to keep an eye on all the little ones and I was in the kitchen. Jeremy and Ashleigh were in charge of supper, and Jeremy had just walked in with the main dish to put it in the oven.
Lawson Joy came to the door crying and limping holding her leg. All I saw was alot of blood, Jeremiah took a look asked for a towel and said we must go to the hospital. Well, that meant Jeremy and Ashleigh to the rescue again, they became the babysitters so JD and I could head to the ER. The cut was not as bad as we thought, but still a pretty good cut behind her left knee. After 2 1/2 hours in the ER, the doctor sewed her up with 6 stitches. LJ did a great job, no screams and only a few tears.
Here she is with her hospital braclet and check out that bandaid!
the wound
How did this happen?
She was swinging on a gymnastics bar in our yard, she jumped off, her leg hit a chair, and it sliced her leg open.
Funny quotes by Lawson Joy from the night.
- Lawson Joy explaining, "I came inside and Jeremy just looked at my leg and said ohhhh." I don't think Jeremy is good with blood and it was dripping everywhere. I promise I saw Jeremy sweating before we left.
- "Well, I have never had surgery before," Lawson Joy talking through the ER visit in the waiting room.
- "This is going to be a great story to tell my friends when school starts," Lawson Joy smiling.
- "Can I see your phone momma to text ------------?" Lawson Joy asking. She just wanted to let various friends know what was happening.
I am sad to say we will not be swimming today or for the next 8 days. I am not sure what I will find for the children to do for entertainment, but maybe I can come up with something.
Good luck, Grandy keeping them entertained in Prentiss.
Suggestion - get the golf cart good and charged and the fishing polls ready.

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