Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Want to Be Just Like My Papa

Watkins and Papa (my dad) are two of a kind!
Take a look.
My daddy loves his little man for sure.
I don't know who was more excited when we found out one of the twins was a boy - Daddy or Jeremiah?
Well, Watkins really likes to do anything his Papa does and now he wants to look just like him.
Watkins told my dad, "Papa, I want a "hairtut" just like you." Of course, my dad responded, okay, we can get you a haircut like me, but then Watkins further explained..........
"Papa, I want a hole just like yours."
A hole you might say, what is that?

Yes, my daddy is going bald, and Watkins thought daddy got his hair cut like this on purpose.
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Watkins explained to me that he needed to get that hole shaved in his hair and we could just throw away all the hair that came out.
Got to love it!
Our baby boy really loves his Papa!


  1. That is so freaking cute. I think you look like your dad! Your daddy looks so sweet and so young!
