Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Our Brown-eyed Girl Turns 8!

Happy Birthday - KATHERINE!
Yes, Katherine has turned 8. It is very hard to believe.

Where does the time go?

I remember -

1 - the day she was born when I looked at her with all that dark hair, dark skin, and thought what a beautiful baby!

2 - how when LJ arrived to see her all LJ could say is "look at my sister baby"!

3 - that I always had to go feed her at lunch until she was 1 because she absolutly refused to take a bottle

4 - when I picked her up from preschool she would be clean, just liked I left her that morning, sitting in the teacher's lap smiling and loving it

5 - how she denied that I was pregnant with twins and refused to wear her big sister t-shirt to the hospital, but then put it on when she got dirty

6 - how I would have never made it in Santa Fe when the twins were just babies without my special helper

7 - how when she was 4 she would ask me a million times if she were dirty or wet

7 - how she cried and cried her first day of kindergarten, but then fell in love with big school and her teacher

8 - watching her in countless soccer, gymnastics, ballet, softball, girl scouts events and her never missing a beat without her BIG smile

The list could go on and on, but most important we have loved watching you grow and become the sweet Katherine you are today! We love you - sweet girl! And wish you many, many more HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!

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